[EDIT: 2/2 4:45 PM (JST/GMT+9)]Ends on February 3rd Extra Orbs Campaign!
[24 Hours Only]One Time Only Special Offer:Special Avatar Chest "Kawaii" !!
Special Campaign on Avatar Chest: "Necromancer"!
The avatars of fox priests who serve gods! One Time Offer: "Kitsune"!
Make the Second Slot on Special Gears with "Legendary Ornament"!
[EDIT:2/1 6:00 PM]One Time Offer: "Masquerade"!
Maintenance Notice (2/2/2017)
Confirmed Issues (2/1/2017)
Swipe all with the demonic aura! New Avatar: "Demon" on sale!!
[Refinement Chest] 5x Win Rates for Smith's Hammers!