[Result Announcement]Aim to Be World's No.1! Challenge Dungeon Score Competition!!

Score Attack Event will be held during the following period!
Compete the score in Challenge Dungeon with your rivals all over the world!

Get more scores, and if you achieve high rank, great gifts will be sent!
Also, we will send useful items for all the players who complete Challenge Dungeon at least once during the period.

If you haven't played Challenge Dungeon, now is the time to challenge!!

What is Challenge Dungeon?

Challenge Dungeon is a special dungeon to defend crystals from monsters.
You can earn a lot of EXP and get great items according to the result score.

For more details, please check the following link: "Information".

Special Rewards for Rankers

We will aggregate each player's highest scores obtained during the event period, and gift the following items according to the ranking!

1st Place

Orb x4
Ultimate Gem × 1

2nd Place

Orb x3
Glory Gem x1

3rd Place

Orb x2
Legendary Gem x1

4th Place

Orb x1
Super Rare Drop Gem x1

5th - 10th Place

Orb Shard x77
Rare Drop Gem x1

11th - 30th Place

Orb Shard x77

Also, we will gift the following items to all the players who complete Challenge Dungeon at least once during the event period!

Challenge Reward

Revive Droplet x1
Life Potion x1
Mana Potion x1
Avatar Ticket x1


* Player names are listed without honorifics.
* The World inside 【 】 is the main world in which the team is mainly playing.
JA: Japanese World
EN: English World
INT: International World
TW: Taiwan World
KR: Korean World
IDN: Indonesia World
TH: Thai World

1st : 820,271 PT【TW】
宮本雲雀 / 斬騎王 / 台服最速雙手劍 / 搖滾總統

2nd : 817,670 PT【TW】

3rd : 813,772 PT【JA】
'kiara / あず(´∀`) / こももくん / タルタニャン

4th : 811,171 PT【EN】【INT】
Derrie / Krizshel / Me. / 「Valent」

5th : 810,869 PT【TW】
月火☆鈴 / 星霜雪雨 / 蓮夜 / 无名™

6th : 801,467 PT【TW】
Kikk / MooooooQ / 解憂草 / 雷御軒郎

7th : 796,766 PT【TW】

8th : 793,671 PT【JA】
☆猫団長☆ / akaiwolf / りゅちむ / 加寿葉

9th : 769,871 PT【TW】
HAN-JI / Isaac_XD / 希暮斯 / 小亞奇

10th : 768,521 PT【IDN】

11th : 766,570 PT【TW】
安藤琉奈 / 尋.

12th : 763,162 PT【JA】
*こりす* / §燎杜§ / haruya@ / なーちゃそ

13th : 760,269 PT【JA】

14th : 757,772 PT【JA】
ayasol / maimy / Tsutsuu / 熾木

15th : 756,571 PT【TW】
★NyX★ / FLIPPER / Vann / yelnats

16th : 753,919 PT【TW】

17th : 750,939 PT【JA】【EN】
D.D / ElesteR / 괴유 / 단아연

18th : 747,972 PT【TW】
芝楓 / 米契爾o

19th : 747,670 PT【TW】
痴痴小貓 / 無言-_-# / 夜黑炎 / 黎明之夜

20th : 746,366 PT【TW】
Free微風 / 漆黒の翼 / 神聖檸檬 / 和風泉

21st : 745,563 PT【JA】
+八雲+ / †MASA† / C.DIEM / ディアドラ

22nd : 744,067 PT【TW】
自由-姆特 / 楓~

23rd : 743,765 PT【TW】

24th : 743,012 PT【TW】
〝☆扣。 / 小奏かなで / 瑪麗蘇

25th : 742,962 PT【TW】
残虹羡雪、/ 雪夜落櫻 / 楓幻o呆呆 / 憂子迷

26th : 741,658 PT【JA】
vδice / キイダ/KIDA

27th : 741,068 PT【TW】
簡美美 / 九龍訣 / 夜不語

28th : 740,662 PT【JA】
まーこす / みちむ / 次元大介

29th : 740,059 PT【EN】
Kronus / 김따따 / 유비스유 / 잘자염

30th : 739,963 PT【JA】
*Asumi* / ☆ツミキ☆ / くまちゃん@妃 / 一輪花

Event Period (JST/GMT+9)

From: January 20th at 5:00 AM
Until: January 27th at 4:59 AM
Schedule of Item Distribution: Early in February, 2019


*If you "Retreat" during the challenge, the challenge reward will not be sent.
*If multiple players earn the same score, the reward will be sent to all of them.
*We will announce the progress of this event on our official website.