Compensation for the Fix on "Brigan Helm"
[EDIT:9/6 9:45 PM]One Time Only! Purchase Orbs and Get Extra Orbs Later!
Make lots of memories for this summer! Chance to get "Yukata" !!
[Item Chest Campaign] 2x chance to win Drop Rate Boosting Items & 50% OFF on First "Open x11"!
Chance to buy the useful items: "Libera's Book", "Virgo's Book", and "Training Book" for only Orb x1 at your first purchase!
One Time Offer: "Special Selection Chest"!
One Time Only Special Offer "Avatar Chest:Pirate"!!
Special Offer:"Virgo's Book III" !
[9/2 2:30 PM Maintenance Completed]Maintenance Notice (9/2/2016)
One Time Only Special Offer:Special Selection Chest !!