Notation for the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions

Provider of Product


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Contact Information

Please contact us from "here".

Our phone number will be emailed to you without delay upon request.

Please kindly let us know through the contact form above if you need our phone number.

Operation Supervisor



Our Service

Provider of software for mobile phone devices and other digital contents

Payment Methods (All Taxes Included)

30 Day Tickets:
The price will be displayed on the screen when you purchase.

Credit Cards:
The price will be displayed on the screen when you purchase.

Accepted Payment Method:
The payment method specified by ASOBIMO, Inc. when making your purchase.

About Purchased Orbs

Orbs can be used in Orb Shop.

Fees Needed Except for Product Purchases

Packet communication fees

Paying Methods and Dates

Based on the terms of each provider company.

Delivery Dates

The moment of each purchase

Refunds and Exchanges

Due to the nature of digital contents, there will be no refunds or exchanges.

Defect Liability

Due to the application of laws and regulations and other reasons, if ASOBIMO takes responsibility to customers as a result of negligence (Does not include intentional or gross negligence occasions), the limit of the amount of compensation for damage will be the total amount of information that was bought of our products for the latest month.