Special Offer: "Libera's Book" "Virgo's Book" and "Training Book"!

Take advantage of the special offer for "Training Book" and "Libera's Book" "Virgo's Book" during the following period!

Special Offer Period

From: December 2nd at 8:00 PM (JST/GMT+9)
Until: December 31st at 11:59PM (JST/GMT+9)

One Time Offer: "Training Book"

You can buy "Training Book" for only "Orb x1" for a limited time one time per account!

And when you buy "Training Book" for"Orb x1", the price will become "Orb x2" next time!
And it will become "Orb x3" in the third-time purchase!

The usual price is "Orb x4"!

*The one time offer will be available one time per account during the following campaign period.
*The price of "Training Book" will return to "Orb x4" in the fourth-time purchase.

▼Item Details

"Training Book"
EXP Gain +100% for 60 monsters.

One Time Offer: "Libera's Book"!

You can buy "Libera's Book" for only"Orb x1" for a limited time one time per account!

▼Item Details

Libera's Book
Increases EXP Gain from monsters by 50% for 1 hour.

One Time Offer: "Virgo's Book"!

You can buy "Virgo's Book" for only"Orb x1" for a limited time one time per account!

▼Item Details

Virgo's Book
Increases Drop Rate from monsters by 50% for 1 hour.

Do not miss this chance to save Orbs!
Check Menu > Orb Shop > Orb Shop / Treasure Chest!

*"Libera's Book" "Virgo's Book" and "Training Book" will be removed from Orb Shop on December 31st at 11:59 PM (JST/GMT+9)