Bug Report(1/7/2016)

Thank you for playing Toram Online.

We confirmed an issue occurring from January 7th.

Bug Report

- When you go back to Sofya City from Avanclain Shrine, the dialogues are shown in Japanese.

- After you purchase items at Orb Shop on Android devices, "Failed to purchase" dialogues keeps appearing on the screen.
If you confirm this issue, please contact us from Menu > Orb Shop > Contact Us.
If you cannot contact us via the app, please send your Purchase Code/Google Order Number of Orbs and 30-Days Tickets from our official website(http://en.toram.jp/contact/).

Supported iOS Version

If you update your iOS version to "iOS 9" some letters will be garbled.

Please refrain from updating your iOS version until the app supports iOS 9.

We will announce further information about supported OS later.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.