New "Magic Blade Skills", "Bare Hand Skills" & Skill Adjustments!

New skills under the "Magic Blade" and "Bare Hand" skill tree has been released through the maintenance on Thursday, 09/28/2023.
Some skills have also been adjusted.

Let's Learn New Skills!

How to Acquire the Skills

Magic Blade Skills

Bare Hand Skills

Skill Adjustments

How to Acquire the Skills

The Library is Here!

NPC "Lilulu"    

You can acquire the skill tree from the NPC "Lilulu" in the library in "Sofya City" with Spinas when your level meets the requirement.
The skill tree can also be acquired by using the item specified respectively.

Level Requirement Magic Blade Skills

Skill TreeCharacter
Lv1With the item "[Book of Magic Warrior]"
Lv2Lv60 or more
Lv3Lv120 or more
Lv4Lv180 or more
Lv5Lv260 or more

Level Requirement Bare Hand Skills

Skill TreeCharacter
Lv1With the item "[Book of Unarmed]"
Lv2Lv100 or more
Lv3Lv250 or more

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Magic Blade Skills

Below are the skills added.


Siphon BarrierA defense technique converted into mana through a barrier.
Reduces physical/magic damage received during the skill and slightly restores MP. The amount
restored increases if magic damage gets reduced.


TeleportA technique to dodge attacks by instantly moving to another point.
While casting Teleport, press a direction key to instantly move to that direction.


Siphon RecallGets an additional status that continues to restore MP when damage is successfully reduced by Siphon Barrier.
The heal amount changes based on the value obtained from Siphon Barrier.


Float DashUrgently deploys magic device for high-speed flight.
Movement speed greatly increases for 10 seconds in exchange for being unable to perform a normal attack.
The effect ends when any skill is activated.
MP Cost of the activated skill is halved.


Dual BringerKeeps ATK and MATK high through resonance during the effect duration that depends on the ability of magic device.
Gets a critical bonus when attacking a weakened target.
This skill effect is only for Magic Blade Skills.
Union SwordA secret technique of wielding a colossal sword created with mana.
Performs a wide range attack ina straight line.
When under the enhancement effect of Enchanted Burst,
it will activate quickly by consuming its effect duration.
Magic SkinThe refinement value of magic device will have the same damage reduction effect as that of shield.
Furthermore, the more MP left, the more often physical/magic damage will be reduced.

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Bare Hand Skills

Below are the skills added.


EarthshakerOnly usable when no Main or Sub-Weapon isequipped.
Get a barrier according to the qi accumulated by this skill.
Increases all elemental advantages, physical pierce, and stability.
The effect ends when Internal Elixir is used.
Miracle ComebackWhen Internal Elixir is not activated and you get knocked out,
it may auto-activate and restore your HP.
Once activated, it won't reactivate for some time.
Hidden TalentIf there are no slots, just hold them.
Equips 3 crystas and get the ability of the 2 corresponding crystas when Lion Rage/Raving Storm/Internal Elixir activates.

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Skill Adjustments

The skills below have been adjusted.

Magic Blade Skills

・Magic Warrior Mastery
Lowered ATK penalty exclusively for OHS has been alleviated.

・Ether Flare
Stats revised and now it will activate with your weak element.
Due to this adjustment, the effect of the gem case "Universal Ether Flare" has been changed.

Added a usable effect that can be registered to shortcuts with certain equipment only. The attack properties of magic blade skills (physical/magical) will now undergo a swap.

・Element Slash
Stats revised and now it will activate with your weak element.

・Enchant Sword
Revamped the damage calculation formula and skill effects, and consequently removed the buff effect that depends on magic device as sub-weapon.

・Enchanted Spell
Changed to EX skill. The skills to activate and the conditions can now be set in advance.
Furthermore, activated magic skills will now provide bonus for equipping magic device.

・Enchanted Burst
Revamped the skill content.

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